Kale can be planted three to five weeks prior to your area’s projected last frost date in the spring. It also can be planted in the late summer roughly six to eight weeks before your first fall frost. Those in warm climates (zone 8 and above) can continue to plant in the early fall for a late fall to winter harvest.
Kale grows equally well in garden soil, raised garden beds, and containers. It also can grow indoors as long as you have adequate lighting. Soil that’s rich in organic matter and has sharp drainage is ideal. The planting site also should get ample sunlight. Be sure the kale isn't too close to taller plants that will shade it.
Space kale plants roughly 1 1/2 to 2 feet apart, and plant them at the same depth they were growing in their nursery container. Seeds should be planted around 1/2 inch deep. No support structure is necessary.